31 May 2013

99 Days of Summer

...Vacation post coming soon...

I've seen this thing around the interwebs. Mostly, it's stay-at-home moms, but I see no reason why I can't do it myself. What they're doing is making a summer bucket list of great things to do with their kids. Since Evan's young and not in school, he doesn't have a "summer vacation" but I consider summer to be Memorial Day through Labor Day.

So, we'll be doing a 99 Days of Summer Bucket List and I'll put it in the sidebar to keep myself accountable. 

In no particular order...

  1. Get soggy in the backyard pool
  2. Throw rocks into a creek/river
  3. Go for a bike ride
  4. Eat birthday cake
  5. Catch bugs
  6. Go out for ice cream
  7. Touch a truck
  8. Take a nature hike, collecting sticks, rocks, etc.
  9. Play catch
  10. Play in the rain
  11. Roast marshmallows
  12. Visit the library
  13. Eat dinner outside
  14. Swing by the river at Riverscape
  15. Invite friends over to play
  16. Take a picnic to a park
  17. Blow bubbles
  18. Visit the zoo
  19. Go berry picking
  20. Visit three new parks
  21. Eat cherry tomatoes straight from the garden
  22. Practice bike riding
  23. Make/mail postcards
  24. Splash in the waves
  25. Ride a carousel
  26. Try two new fruits and two new veggies
  27. Finger paint on canvas outside
  28. Visit the pool/splash park
  29. Clear off the patio and go crazy with sidewalk chalk
  30. Go to a festival
  31. Visit the Butterfly House
  32. Eat from a food truck/ice cream truck
  33. Have a water gun fight
  34. Kick a ball around
  35. Get face to face with a giraffe at Idle Hour Ranch
  36. Splash at a splash pad
  37. Build a fort
  38. Slide the long slide at Shoup Park 
  39. Fly a kite
  40. Collect seashells
  41. Go to the races
  42. Visit loved ones
  43. Wiggle our toes in the sand
  44. Roll down a hill
  45. Watch a parade
  46. Take a weekend vacation to the lakes
  47. Pet goats at Young's Dairy 
  48. Lay on a blanket and look at clouds
  49. Visit Boonshoft Museum
  50. Take family pictures

21 May 2013

Big Boy

He's growing up too fast.

The routine goes something like this...

Me: "It's dinnertime. You need to wash your hands. Get your stool."

He carries his stool from the living room to the kitchen sink. We wash and dry hands.

Me: "Ok, put your stool back and get in your chair for dinner."

He carries his stool back into the living room, drops it off and sprints to his high chair to eat dinner.

He doesn't always follow directions that well, but when it comes to dinner, he's a pretty good listener.

19 May 2013

Match & Cheese

Me (at Target): "Evan, do you want mac & cheese for lunch?"

Evan (all the way home, at home while cooking, while sitting in his chair waiting on lunch): "Match & cheese...match & cheese...match & cheese!!!"

I scoop the mac & cheese on to his plate.

Evan: "Hiiiiiiii, cheese!!!!"

And he would've eaten about four times the amount I gave him if I had allowed it.

12 May 2013

21st Month and More

It's been too long. Did I miss month 21? Well, here's a little of what's been up...

Evan is talking so much. He's starting to put two or three words together, which is really cool for us. He can pretty much repeat anything, which is something that we need to be constantly aware of. He's transitioned from "Mama" to "Mommy" and from "Dada" to "Daya". Occasionally he'll say "Daddy" but he really prefers "Daya". Weird. He calls himself Eba.

He's recently started saying, "I love you, Mommy" after I say "I love you, Evan." Melt my heart!

When asked, "Who's at home?" when we're driving home, he answers Lars and Laika (and Daddy if it's just the two of us.) When asked, "Who's at daycare?" or "Who are you going to play with today?", he starts naming his classmates. When we pull out of the driveway toward the west, he starts saying "Meijer". Apparently we go there too much. He knows the outside of Meijer (obviously) and Target and likes to announce where we are.

Every morning, he runs out into the driveway to look for the moon. When it rains, he sings "Rain, rain..." but that's all he knows of the song. He's fascinated with umbrellas, but also a little bit scared of them. He laughs out loud when the wind blows in his face.

He points out airplanes when they fly overhead. He likes to stand at the door and watch for motos (motorcycles) and buses. He watches traffic while we drive and says "vrrrroooom!" and "beep beep".

He knows his shapes and colors, counts to 10 and says his alphabet, but usually stopping around i and saying random letters. He can identify some letters.

He can throw mega fits, but he's mostly happy and funny. When being held, he'll say "flip!" to get me to flip him onto the ground. He'll also say "baby" because he wants me to rock and sing to him and then toss him to the floor when I get to "Down will come Evan, cradle and all."

He loves puzzles and still enjoys books. Although, he's not as book-crazy as he used to be. We have a Scholastic DVD that's almost like books on tape but with the pictures, that he loves. He loves his animal and dinosaur magnets that he sticks to the doors and fridge.

Lately, we've been all about playing outside. Even when it's chilly, we just bundle up. We spend most of most evenings outside. We've had play dates with several friends.

One, with twins that are just a few months younger than Evan. It turns out that two year olds don't really play together. So, when my friends (the twins' parents) and I managed to get out kids to play on the same thing at the same time, we got to chat. Otherwise, we were all just going in different directions. Specifically, I spent most of my time around the puddle.

Scooping up the water and drinking it. Gross kid.

We also played with some older friends. They are 5 and 6 years old. Evan loved, loved, loved following them around. And then they started jumping off of things. Evan was ready to go for it. He repeated their names for days after they visited.

(picture by our friend, Leah)

When we're not playing at the park, we like to chillax in the backyard. Evan had a great time picking the dandelions when they were yellow, and now likes to pick the "blows".

First, he looks at them...
Then he smells them...
Then he tastes them...
Then he throws them. 

Watch out! Here comes a highly professional business kid.

When we're not playing outside, Evan likes playing with the latch board I made him. I'm pretty proud of it.

Or, just lounging around. 

Or reading with Dad.

Sports Car Magazine, of course. 

We've started giving Evan jobs. It's never to early to let kids know that they need to contribute to the household, right? Every day when we come home, his job is to let Laika out of her jail. In the mornings, his job is to take Laika her treat. When we're outside in the evenings, he helps me water the garden. We each have our own watering can. He has to pick up his toys before bath each night. (Not usually all of them, but enough for him to know that it needs to be done.) And, most recently, this...

07 May 2013


He may be turning into a big boy, but pictures like this remind me that he's still my chubby baby.