25 March 2011

This and That

First. I'm about to blow a gasket on people who come to work sick. If I worked where there's no one to cover for you and you didn't get paid sick days, I'd understand. But I don't. We get paid sick days. Most people rack up months and months of sick days. Very few things can't wait until tomorrow. Yet, if you stand in my office on any given day you can hear someone hacking up a lung in that corner, sneezes and sniffs coming from somewhere else. I'm sick for the THIRD time in this pregnancy. That's three times in 21 weeks! My immune system has always been kinda wack but this is completely out of control. I'm drafting a letter to my office.

Yes, I'm writing it on a scroll.

Second. I got my first inquiry about pregnancy this week. I was in California for two days visiting contractors (while on death's door with this cold, might I add). I saw a total of about 20 people who I haven't seen in several months, some longer and some never. I hadn't told my program managers about the pregnancy, mostly because it should have little to no effect on them or thier programs. Plus, I was going to tell them eventually. One (of two) program managers asked me after the meeting when the due date was. I joked with him that it was a pretty gutsy question but confirmed July. I told one lady (the only other woman at these meetings and someone I've known for about 4 years) and she was super excited and confirmed that she knew the minute she saw me. I guess it's getting obvious. No one else said anything. They're either very wise men or have learned that lesson the hard way. My travel partner confirmed that there's no way people weren't noticing or were just thinking I was getting fat. That's reassuring, I guess.

Third. I was flossing the other day with the bathroom door open. I looked in the mirror and Lars was coming down the hallway behind me. I thought, "Here comes my buddy, Lars. Why's he walking weird?" I turned around and he wasn't walking at all. He was scooting his butt down the hallway! I cannot believe I'm bringing a child into this house of wild animals! This is why steam cleaning the carpets is on my list of nesting chores.  (P.S. I know this could be a sign of something wrong and he'll be going to the vet soon for his check up so we'll ask then. However, he's done this before and it's always been that he just needed a good butt scratchin'. Skanky cat.)

Fourth. I've had very few pregnancy "symptoms" thus far. However, the pregnancy has made me really burpy. It's has nothing to do with what I eat or don't eat. David's always saying, "How is that even possible?! You just drank water!" He doesn't get it.

More importantly, lately I get extreme pleasure from burping really long and loud and then asking him, "Did you hear that?" It makes me laugh hysterically. It makes him say he's going to divorce me. That also makes me laugh hysterically. You don't think he'd really divorce me for this, do you?

18 March 2011

Dinnertime Shenanigans

Me: "Yum... these fries are so good! I could eat a ton more! "

David: "I think I made a pretty appropriate portion size."

Me: "You did. I'm just saying, I could eat ten times as many."

David: "I'm sorry I didn't make enough for pregosaurus."

I'll be ordering this immediately:

12 March 2011

Half Baked

Today marks 20 weeks exactly. I can't believe I'm halfway through this pregnancy already. I think there will be a lot more anticipation in the second 20 weeks though because now I know he's okay and I just want to meet him. Plus, assuming everything goes as planned, yesterday will be the last time we get to see him until he arrives in July. Here are some highlights from the ultrasound yesterday.

This first one shows his spine. Pretty cool, eh? I think it looks like a snake. At the very end of the video, there's a big dark spot right in the middle of him. It's his stomach. You can see her mouse pointing out a couple more things. I think it was kidneys but you can't really see anything.

The next one shows his heart-- the moving thing in the middle of the video. Looks like he has a strong thumper like his dad.

In this one, you can see his heart come and go in the picture as she scans (in the bottom left blob.) In the top right, his face comes into frame a few times. It's a little creepy looking, but that's our little Skeletor baby!

The tech asked us if we knew the gender and if we wanted to know. We told her that they had told us at 15 weeks but we wanted to get confirmation from her. She told us not to tell her what they said at 15 weeks-- which was our plan all along. When she got around to the money shot, she said "Suuuurely they told you it's a boy!" It was that obvious. I couldn't even look at David because I knew he was sitting over there being so proud of his boy. I was afraid if I glanced at him, we'd both just bust out laughing like a bunch of 12 year olds...which we totally did as soon as the tech left the room.

In case you can't tell, this is a butt shot. You can see his two legs and then she draws the arrow to indicate "boy".

And the last one is just of him laying around looking cute. Isn't he so cute already?!

11 March 2011

19 Weeks, 1 Day

Today's ultrasound videos are forthcoming. In the meantime, a hard working WVU t-shirt and a double chin!

10 March 2011


A guy at work came over to my cubicle the other day to let me know the following:
"Dave is a smarter man than I am so you might not encounter this. But, if he tells you that you're doing something strange or maybe that the things you're saying/doing aren't making sense, just trust him. Please don't get mad at him because he's probably right and you'd never be able to recognize it yourself."
Thank you, sir, for that fantastic unsolicited advice. NOT!

I guess it's true that my brain's been a little weird lately. Pregnancy Brain, I guess.

On Tuesday, I freaked out when I went to get some chocolate milk only to find that the container was opened and obviously had some milk missing. I accused David of drinking my milk. When he denied doing it, I asked if Meijer would take it back because apparently the $2 that we spent on it was worth standing in the customer service line at Meijer. I was sulking because I wanted some chocolate milk and David was searching through the old plastic bags to see if he could find the receipt while asking me over and over, "Are you sure you didn't drink some already?" After him asking it about 5 times, it occurred to me that I might have opened it on Sunday as soon as we got home from the store and chugged some right from the jug. Hehe. Ooops.

I did the same thing with the grape juice last weekend except I'm still certain that he's the one who opened it first. Apparently I'm not the only one with Pregnancy Brain.

About twice a week I feel like I have Alzheimer's.  When it's my turn to drive to work, I pick David up from his building and then the conversation goes a little something like this: 
Me: How was your day?
David: Eh, fine.
(two minutes of chitchat or listening to The Jason Ellis Show)
Me: How was your day?
David: The same way it was two minutes ago.
Me: Hmm...I didn't realize I actually asked. I thought I just thought it.
You know what, though? That's what he gets for not really telling me about his day. His answer is completely unmemorable. I need some details!

And then there's the coordination problems I've been having. On numerous occasions-- multiple times per day-- I go to take a drink from my water bottle (lucky it's just water!) and spill it down my chest. It's like my arm has forgotten how far away my face is! I'm convinced that it's actually my bigger belly and boobs that are confusing my arm.

On the bright side, my hand-to-mouth antics have made Laika a very happy dog. I also tend to miss my mouth when I'm eating dinner so she's figured out that she doesn't have to get in trouble for begging anymore. She can just lay under me and pick up my scraps. Smart dog.

05 March 2011

My First Stuff

I got my first baby stuff this week. On Monday, there was a package at the door from Annie! It contained an adorable bodysuit/pants set (with a monkey on the butt!) and two bibs.

It also contained a fetal heart rate monitor that she admits doesn't work at all and some kind of huge mesh underpants that she had left over from Michaela's birth. They're apparently for after delivery. I decided photos of them were unnecessary, but I did consider modeling them over my clothes and sending a picture to Annie.

I'm going today to collect some more loot. My friend, Cari, is pregnant with her second and last child. It's a girl but her first is a boy. She has tubs and tubs of boy cloths from 0-24 months so I'm heading to her house to go through it and take what I like. I just wish I had somewhere to put all this stuff. The future nursery is still part bike room, part guest bedroom and part photo studio.