12 March 2011

Half Baked

Today marks 20 weeks exactly. I can't believe I'm halfway through this pregnancy already. I think there will be a lot more anticipation in the second 20 weeks though because now I know he's okay and I just want to meet him. Plus, assuming everything goes as planned, yesterday will be the last time we get to see him until he arrives in July. Here are some highlights from the ultrasound yesterday.

This first one shows his spine. Pretty cool, eh? I think it looks like a snake. At the very end of the video, there's a big dark spot right in the middle of him. It's his stomach. You can see her mouse pointing out a couple more things. I think it was kidneys but you can't really see anything.

The next one shows his heart-- the moving thing in the middle of the video. Looks like he has a strong thumper like his dad.

In this one, you can see his heart come and go in the picture as she scans (in the bottom left blob.) In the top right, his face comes into frame a few times. It's a little creepy looking, but that's our little Skeletor baby!

The tech asked us if we knew the gender and if we wanted to know. We told her that they had told us at 15 weeks but we wanted to get confirmation from her. She told us not to tell her what they said at 15 weeks-- which was our plan all along. When she got around to the money shot, she said "Suuuurely they told you it's a boy!" It was that obvious. I couldn't even look at David because I knew he was sitting over there being so proud of his boy. I was afraid if I glanced at him, we'd both just bust out laughing like a bunch of 12 year olds...which we totally did as soon as the tech left the room.

In case you can't tell, this is a butt shot. You can see his two legs and then she draws the arrow to indicate "boy".

And the last one is just of him laying around looking cute. Isn't he so cute already?!

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