17 April 2011

Aches, Pains and a Stroke of Genius

Warning: I'm about to complain for a minute. I'm pregnant. I'm allowed.

I'm starting to get to the point where my body is uncomfortable most of the time (as opposed to my guts, which have been uncomfortable for a long time.) Like, seriously uncomfortable, not just tell-David-I'm-uncomfortable-so-I-can-get-a-massage uncomfortable. Haha... I'm sure he'll read this eventually and kick my ass for that one. I'm not sure if this is early or on time uncomfortableness. And really, I prefer not to think about it because I still have 3.5 months to go.

In general, my back gets really sore and tired by the end of every day. I know my posture is sucking and I know it's only going to get worse.

We don't get the AC turned on at work until Memorial Day which means it's been almost 80 degrees in the office every day for the past few weeks. By the end of the day, my feet are so swelled up that I can barely fit even my most comfortable shoes back on my feet after kicking them off under my desk. Luckily, once they do turn the AC on, it'll be about 60 degrees in the office all the time and I'll have something new to complain about. It's all or nothing around there.

I asked my doctor about some of the more interesting stuff, knowing full well that the answer to my aches and pains was, "You're pregnant. Suck it up." Turns out, my doctors are a little more sympathetic than I'd be if I had to listen to pregnant women complain all day. That's why they make the big bucks. And the verdict was...

The sharp pain in my side that wakes me up in the middle of the night and makes me this close to waking David up to take me to the hospital-- round ligament pain. I was certain it was kidney failure or something. Seriously. It sucked. Luckily, it's only been about 4-5 times so far.

The constant dull ache in my groin-- also round ligament pain. Apparently those round ligaments are getting a good workout these days.

The sharp pain in my right lower back-- sciatica. That made me sad because it's really bad some days and even when it's not, all it takes is the wrong move and the pain that shoots through my butt and down my leg is enough to make me gasp for air. That gets kind of embarrassing in public settings. A sore muscle that needs a good massagin' would've been a much better diagnosis.

Was that enough whining and complaining for today?

And, now for my stroke of genius. One of my biggest complaints-- yes, bigger than those above-- is having to turn on the bathroom light when I wake up in the middle of the night. Nothing hinders a quick return to slumber like a 60 watt light bulb in the face. Okay, maybe a 100 watt light bulb or having ice water dumped on you or having a dog staring at you from 6 inches away and making that really high pitched crying sound that she makes so you'll get out of bed and give her some breakfast already. But, I digress.

We have exactly one outlet in the bathroom. That outlet doesn't work unless the florescent light above the sink is switched on. Do you see why we need a bathroom remodel? That makes no sense, right? So, a nightlight is completely out of the question because leaving the over-sink light on would completely defeat the purpose.

Drumroll please-- the best $5 I ever spent (and the most ingenious idea I've ever had) was on a three pack of tap lights. I just put one on the counter so it's easy to find and blam! I can easily fall back asleep after my 3am trip and I can ensure that I'm not plopping down on top of Lars quenching his 3am thirst. Lars and I both really appreciate the invention of the tap light.

And now for a little more narcissism-- another picture of ME! That's what you all come here for, right? Me, me, me!! Oh wait, that's only until the baby arrives. Then, no one will care about me at all anymore.

24 weeks, 3 days

I have a couple other things to post about that don't fall under the category of aches, pains or genius so I'll save them for later. I'll start working on them soon though to make my mom happy. She apparently checks my blog daily even though I barely manage to post weekly. Sorry, Mom. I'm a terrible daughter. I also haven't really told you about my aches and pains so I'm sorry you had to hear about them on the Internet too.


  1. Okay, first of all, YES you are allowed to complain. Pregnancy is hard! Get yourself a pregnancy support belt, STAT! It will help you so much with the round ligament pain! Get the kind that wrap under your belly, cross in front about bra level and go over your shoulders. Not super sexy, but it makes such a big difference with round ligament pain, I promise you! And use lots of prop pillows in bed, with one underneath your belly for support.

    Next, start getting regular prenatal massages for that sciatica! It won't make it disappear but it will make it more manageable. Mine dropped me to the floor on several occasions (literally), luckily I was at home each of those times.

    Good idea on the tap lights, get some extras for when you need to nurse the baby at night and just need a little bit of light! And your belly is adorable, I do believe you have "popped!"

  2. Katy, You are so wise! Although I did check out those belts and dang, you were not kidding-- those are NOT sexy! Although I was thinking it might be entertaining if I wore mine OVER my clothes! Haha!

    I will not argue with the regular massages. In fact, I think I'll schedule one right now. :)

    And yes, popped indeed.
