24 July 2011

Things People Do

The other day we had a conversation with some people about the internet and kids these days. Well actually, parents these days. So many (all? most?) parents these days have their kids' pictures on Facebook or in other online albums. They post status updates, tweets and blog posts about what their kids are up to. Our kids' lives will be documented like ours never were. Is that good? Bad? What happens when the kids are teenagers and everything from their first poop to their first day of kindergarten to that embarrassing rash they had last week has been documented online for the entire world to see?

I think a blog like mine, where it's really only family members and a few friends reading, is one thing. But, the very popular mommy bloggers out there have a whole other issue. These kids are going to have things to deal with that we can't even comprehend. This makes me think of the therapy story I posted a while ago. Ah, technology.

Anyway, somewhere in this conversation, someone mentioned this commercial:

That's amazing, right? I want to do it. I think I'd give the address out to others too. Sure, it's not that much different than the blog but there are bound to be things that I'd say in a letter that I wouldn't put on the blog. Maybe I can get David to play along.

Another thing I learned about recently is that by sending a birth announcement (though it doesn't appear that it needs to be that formal) to the president, you can get a letter back. Wouldn't that be a wonderful keepsake? Here's a  blog post by someone who got their letter back. Fantastic! I'll be doing that for sure.

Speaking of blogging and technology. I haven't decided about a baby book. I'm definitely not buying a pre-made one. If I make a paper one, it will be a scrapbook that I make myself. I'm considering making the pages, like "Baby's Firsts", here on the blog. It's okay, I still have...almost no time at all!... to make the decision.

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