Dear Evan,
Wow. What a month!
(Do I say that every month?) Your forth month of life started with Halloween, ended with Thanksgiving and everything in between was a whole bunch of sick. Yep, first me and you, then daddy, then all three of us. Lucky for us, daddy and I were far more miserable and whiney than you. For that reason, there is no slide show for this month. After all, snot and boogers and crusty eyes don't make good pictures.
For Halloween, we dressed you up as Stewie Griffin and took you to work to show you off. Everyone loved you... or at least "ooooh"-ed and "aaaaah"-ed for our benefit. And, they laughed because that was a seriously good costume for you! We took some of their candy on your behalf. Thank you.
"Stewie" and Tracy |
Your development this month has been amazing. (And, it's sort of amazing what we think is amazing. We adults really take the little things for granted!) You've started reaching for things and grabbing everything. And it
all goes in your mouth! You hold things, like the rattle, in front of your face and inspect them....put them in your mouth... study them some more... rinse, repeat. Daddy likes to think you're trying to figure out how they're constructed and how you'll take them apart and put them back together. I think he's giving you a little more credit than you deserve, but who knows.
You're a pro at standing on legs and sitting on butt. In fact, you seem a little irritated at laying around these days. You're much happier in some sort of sitting position and "standing on legs" is a good way to make you stop fussing. You seem to like the challenge. You're really enjoying your boppy seat now that you can hold your head up. That's good because pretty soon your butt and legs will be too chunky to fit in it! You're really beefing up!
Standing on Legs |
Your vocalizations are crazy. You talk and talk and talk. We always stop whatever we're doing just to listen to you talk. Unfortunately, I occasionally have to stop
sleeping! just to listen to you talk. I'd prefer if you'd keep the talking down between the hours of 11pm and 5am. Your voice cracks us up. Sometimes it's sweet and smoothe like butta, and other times it's raspy like you've been smoking a pack a day for about twenty years. Probably the best development of all is the laughing! It's still a little hard to get it out of you but we finally got more than a little chuckle. Nothing makes me happier than hearing you laugh.
Tomorrow is your official 4 month check-up (ick, shots!) so I'll come back and update your current weight and length. I think your weight is somewhere around 16 pounds though.
Edit: You weighed in at 17lb, 4 oz and your height was 25.75 inches. You've gained almost 10 pounds and over 5 inches since birth! That's amazing!
We had one photo shoot this month in preparation for Christmas pictures. I haven't quite gotten what I want yet, but I did get some serious cuteness.
Thanksgiving was a real treat. You visited West Virginia for the first time. You've heard about the place and, of course, cheered on the football team, but never visited.
You did very well, all things considered, on the drive to and from. The three days there were a little stressful for you (and therefore, us) but you put on a good face and everyone got to see at least a little bit of smiley, happy Evan. Most people got to see some of cranky, crying Evan too. You got to see your Grandma Janet, Grandpa Mike, Grandma Barbi and Grandpa Ed again.
Grandpa Mike, Evan, Grandma Janet |
Grandpa Ed, Evan, Grandma Barbi |
And you got to meet your Grandpa Herschel and Grandma Connie for the first time.
Grandma Connie, Evan, Grandpa Herschel |
You also got to meet lots of aunts, uncles and cousins, including your Great, Great Aunt Dot! We love Aunt Dot and I'm happy you got to meet her.
I'm so glad you got to meet so many new family members. They all love you so much!
Grrrr... I'm four months old! |
What up, homes? |
And now for another exciting month...