30 November 2011


At Evan's 4 month doctor appointment, the doc told us that we can start cereal any time we'd like. I was guessing he'd say to wait until 6 months since that seems to be the common guidance right now. Nope. He said to do cereal for a few weeks then start adding veggies and then fruits. By his 6 month appointment he should be eating cereals and all fruits and veggies.

Because I had heard so much about a belly full of cereal and sleeping through the night, I was more than eager to give it a try. We made our first attempt on Monday night. The box said to mix one tablespoon of cereal with 4-5 tablespoons of milk so I did just that. Ha! I was essentially feeding him ever-so-slightly thicker milk on a spoon.

At first, he just made faces and gave us looks like, "Why the hell are you putting this in my mouth?!?"  And he was keeping very little of it in his mouth.

I tested the temperature and it was just lukewarm, so I popped it into the microwave for 5-10 seconds. That made it a little warmer so I hoped he'd like that better. He's very picky about the temperature of his bottle so it made sense to us. His reaction to that was... wow, just wow...hard to describe, really. It was like that spoonful of cereal was the worst, most scorching hot thing to ever pass his lips. He thrashed around like he was dying. I'm not kidding, it was not hot in the slightest. My child, the drama queen.

So, we let him sit in his chair while we ate dinner and that (apparently) hot-as-lava cereal cooled. When we finished dinner, we gave it another go. A few more terrible faces and he started to warm up to it a little. By the time we made it halfway through the bowl, he was holding his mouth wide open and fussing for more if we didn't get the spoon back to his mouth quick enough.

Talk about a quick turnaround!

We now have two more nights under our belts. We thickend it up significantly and he's still doing okay. He still makes terrible faces even though he's awaiting the next spoonful with a huge gaping mouth.

nom, nom, nom

Oh, by the way, the whole belly full of cereal and sleeping through the night stuff? Total crap!

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