Evan had a wonderful first Christmas.
Christmas was a build up this year (sorta like Hanukkah...but not). It started mid-week the week before with deliveries from Grandma Barbi and Grandpa Ed. Evan doesn't understand getting gifts, but he was mesmerized by the lights and music and seemed intrigued when we sat him in the ball pit. I have a feeling I'm destined to be finding plastic balls all over my house for the next... more years than I care to think about.
Please forgive the poor quality cell phone pic. |
On Christmas Eve Eve we took a trip to see Santa. Yes, Evan doesn't care about Santa but after seeing a friend's Santa photos, I knew there was no way I could pass up the opportunity. She also tipped me off that the Santa at the shopping center only a mile from my house was never really busy. And, he was a real old guy-- none of that fake beard shenanigans. She was right. There were only two families in front of us and the beard was 100% real.
We saw two kids throw holy fits. Evan, however, was totally straight faced. No smiles. No crying. It wasn't particularly exciting, but I'm glad we went.
That evening, we exchanged our presents at home. Evan laid staring while David opened gifts that I had wrapped. Anticipating the stuff he'd get from grandmas, aunts and uncles, we didn't get him much-- a
Sophie, a couple books, socks, pacifiers, a jingly toy and a onesie with planes on it.
Our stockings were hung by the...uh...on the cabinet from IKEA. |
On Christmas Eve morning, we packed everything into the car and headed to West Virginia. Evan was perfect. He slept almost the entire way, waking up just about 10 minutes before our arrival. And, lucky for us, not waking up screaming.
We spent the afternoon visiting with Grandma and Grandpa Straight, Aunt Annie, Uncle Charles and Cousin Michaela ("The Dampares", as they so hilariously wrote on their gifts. So formal, those Dampares. I don't know why, but that just cracked me up.) Both Aunt Nikkis stopped by to meet Evan. Both brought gifts. Evan got some cute clothes and fun toys. One of his aunt Nikkis made him the most adorable Super Evan onesie.
We visited with Grandma and Grandpa Pill that evening. Evan was super pleasant-- no doubt, his way of saying Thank You for the gifts he'd received earlier in the week.
With Grandpa Ed |
And Grandma Barbi |
We woke up on Christmas day and after Annie finally got Michaela up (Doesn't that child know that you have to get up early and open presents on Christmas day?! What is Annie teaching her?!), we opened presents.
Michaela got stuff too! :) |
Evan and Grandma Janet |
Aunt Annie (or should I say Mrs. Dampare?)
and Evan playing with Michaela's trains |
Evan got a bunch more toys and clothes, including a Kick 'n Play piano.
The funny thing about this video is what David and I were doing just minutes before it was taken. We hooked the piano up to the side of the crib and showed Evan how to kick it. Except we were standing there watching so he just wanted to stare and smile at us. So, we were both sitting on the floor, hiding behind, but looking through, the mesh crib bumper and watching him kick it. And, whsipering to each other, "I think he gets it." I just looked at us and thought,
this is such a classic parenting moment. We'll file that one up there with Dad running out for diapers at midnight on the first night Baby is home from the hospital. And we thought we were so much cooler than all the other parents.
Back to Christmas.
After presents, we visited Grandma and Grandpa Jackson and David's relatives.
With Grandpa Herschel |
With Grandma Connie, a little distressed |
Aunt Dot loves this kid! That makes me smile. :) |
Trying on Cousin Lynn's Christmas hat |
After a very busy Christmas Day, we returned home to Ohio after Evan fell asleep and he slept the whole way.
It's crazy how much my feelings about the holidays have changed since having Evan. I've never been so really and truly disinterested in gifts. All I cared about was Evan having a good time (although he didn't understand what was going on) and getting to spend time with all of the people who love him so much. I consider myself very lucky that David and I both had some time off to spend lounging around the house and enjoying being a family.
Here's to a fabulous 2012!
Awesome story. Evan's so lucky to have you for a mom.