22 September 2012

Catching Up

A few random things...

I went to NYC. It was my first trip without Evan. It was the longest I'd been away from him next to a work day. Leaving was hard. Luckily, a.) I was with a coworker who is also a really good friend so it was almost like a "girls weekend" b.) she has a baby just a couple months older than Evan so we supported each other c.) there's so much to see and do in NYC that we kept really busy so I wasn't sitting around missing Evan. The suckiest part was that I had to leave on a Saturday morning so I missed my whole weekend with him. I got to see lots of cool stuff though.

Yankee Stadium
Grand Central Terminal
Times Square
Rockefeller Center
Radio City Music Hall
Not pictured: Walking through Central Park, riding the NYC Subway, eating delicious bagels and so-so street vendor hot dogs and pretzels, The Intrepid Museum where we saw the Enterprise space shuttle, Statue of Liberty from afar, dinner with my cousin at the Plaza Hotel, Chinatown, the 9/11 Memorial, Brooklyn Bridge from afar, seeing RENT off Broadway... Did I mention we were busy?

When I picked Evan up from daycare early on Wednesday, he was just like "Oh... hey, Mom", like he didn't even know I was gone. The little turd.


Evan had his first ER visit a couple weeks ago. No fun. He was fine when we put him to bed, but at 3am he woke up gasping and when he finally caught his breath, he was really struggling to breathe. It was very scary (I can't even imagine what it must be like to have a kid with asthma!) Although the ER was totally empty, it took us forever. His oxygen levels and all his other stats were fine. They gave him a breathing treatment and  decided it was just another case of bronchialitis. I think I'm going to rename it Daycare Disease. The only upside is he got to wear an incredibly adorable baby-sized hospital gown. And, we got our second pair of hospital bracelets for the scrapbook.


Things I never thought I'd say:  "You know, most people don't go for a jog around the house between turds."

Lots of adorable pictures coming soon... and probably a First Haircut post. It's about time, don't you think?

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