11 December 2012

Too Smart for His Own Good

This may be the most impressive thing I've seen Evan do yet...

He has a box of animal flash cards. He loves to look through them and make the animal noises. He was looking at them the other day. I have to admit, David and I weren't paying any attention to him because we were checking out our newly installed AT&T U-verse. Evan walks over and hands me some things. I said "Thank you, Buddy" without even looking at the things and he goes back to his flash cards. A minute or so later, I look at what he had handed me:

He had come across the owl card and dug the stuffed owl out of his toy basket. He saw the flash card and purposefully searched out the matching toy! Mind blown.

Also, just today I learned that I can lay all the flash cards out on the floor and say, "Give me the horse", and he'll give me the horse. He's at about 90% with that game and that's only because he doesn't know some things, like antelope. (Are there many 16 months olds out there who know an antelope by sight? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't know if the word wasn't printed below it.) That's a very exciting game to play-- watching his gears turn as he scans the cards for the right animal is so fun.

I taught Evan a cool new trick. Well, it's cool until it backfires. Then it's a super unfortunate trick. He will "put this in the garbage for me." It's great when we're actually cleaning. What's not so great is when his brain wires get twisted (which they do a lot and it's kinda funny) and he puts his socks in the garbage instead of in his bedroom. Or when I tell him to put his toys away, and "away" ends up being the garbage. Or when he's just bored and decides to start putting things in there... like remotes or cell phones. We haven't lost anything of value yet... that we know of.

We had a sick day today (pukey Evan). Once he was done puking, all he wanted to do was sit on the kitchen floor and eat Crispix. I have no idea why, but he sat there forever. And he's missing a sock because it was something he decided to throw in the garbage-- right into some yucky food. You like his outfit? That's what you get when you puke on your clothes at daycare. Totally random.

I finally got a good picture and made our Christmas cards. I might get them in time to get them labeled and mailed by Christmas. I should be more on top of things. Here are some outtakes. Both are versions of his reaction to the question, "What does a butterfly do?" Apparently a butter fly puts its arms and legs up and balances on its butt? It's hilarious to watch him try.

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