Imagine this is a yellow post-it and I'm writing things down to remind me of these times...
On a walk, about .5 miles into 2, we saw some flowers. I asked Evan what color they were. Purple. Then we saw some more. Yellow. We finished the 2 miles, dilly-dallied in the house for a few, played in the backyard for about 20 minutes, washed hands and ate dinner. As we're sitting and chatting as dinner is finishing up,
Me: "Evan, tell Daddy what color flowers we saw on our walk."
E: "Purple."
Me: "And what other color?"
E: "Yellow!"
I did not think for one second that he would remember. I nearly fell out of my chair. My boy is SMART!
Also, while we were outside playing, I caught him scooping snot from his nose and smearing it on the brick. Snot. Smeared on our house. WTF, kid? Maybe he's not so smart.
He's smart. Even smart kids like to play with fun stuff.