29 June 2013

So Close to Two... Catching Up

We've been busy, yet not very busy over the past couple weeks. Mostly, I'm just a lazy blogger because Evan's bedtime has moved back a little and I don't have time to write after he finally goes to bed. Okay, I have time, but I don't feel like it.

And, I was out of town for a few days. And, we've been planning a get together. And, we've started a house hunt.

This week, Evan turned 23 months. Just one more month before he's two. Unbelievable.

He's so smart and I think he speaks really well. I'm just amazed by him every single day.

He has a favorite song and I use it to get him to do things. It's called Here Comes the Lightning, but he calls it Rain, Rain. Quite often, I'll sing it when we're listening to it. And he likes to say, "Mommy! Stop it. Walk away." He learned that from daycare... and he needs to learn that he does not tell his mommy to walk away. That's what happened here...

Some call it abandonment, I call it giving my
son exactly what he asked for. Later, dude. 

Yes, it's not a very kid-friendly song. We're trying to phase it out before he learns the words.

Some randomness...

The school bus was a big hit at Touch a Truck Day

But the RTA bus won first prize by
giving away coloring books

The Troy Strawberry Festival was a huge hit

By the end of the day, his whole face, hands
and clothes were red from the berries

Enjoying some outdoor time

Where'd the squirrel go? I dunno! 

Big Pimpin' (in mommy's hat)
Trying out some new park equipment

We met up with some high school friends at the Cincinnati zoo. I'd say it was good to catch up with them, but there was no catching up with us chasing two almost-two year olds around a busy zoo. Evan loved the giraffes. 

We're working on getting him to start taking on more responsibilities. I mean, he's about to turn two. It's about time, right? 

We're also trying this a bit. So far, no dice.

To those people who get mad when people compare dogs and kids:

And this...

Listen carefully after he counts. That last word starts with an F...and ends with art.
Oh, my kid. 

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