"Was this on purpose?"
"This was on purpose, right?" (Ever so slightly less offensive.)
"Was this a surprise?"
"Was this planned?"
"Had you been planning this?"And then there are the people who are very hesitant to be happy and congratulate. That triggers me to address their unspoken concerns with, "on purpose." And then the celebration begins and I shake my head and roll my eyes. Those people have not been counted in the 10.
My most recent response is,
"We've been not getting pregnant for 13 years. We're pretty good at it. So yeah, it was on purpose."But there are a few questions I'd like to ask these people.
"Do you really think that's any of your business?"
"Are you going to be more or less happy for us if it's not on purpose?"
"Do you believe that we're not smart enough to take birth control?" (I realize that things happen, but never mind that.)
"If it was a mistake, don't you think that we might be a little embarrassed to share that with you, a practical total stranger?" (Because most of these people have been friends, but not really close friends.)
"Do you really think that's any of your business?" (Oops, did I say that twice?)Don't get me wrong. I understand their motivation. We've been a little anti-child in the past. That was mostly an attempt to keep these same nosey people from asking us other inappropriate questions about our reproductive future. Again, none of anyone's business. I think some people (those who are closer friends/family) are just a little surprised that we've kept them out of the loop for so long. Understandable.
Also, I think some people have given up on us. I mean, it's apparently just craziness to be married for 7+ years and not reproduce. I mean, how dare we want to get our careers in order, be financially secure and be personally ready before we have kids? I guess that's just unheard of.
But, truth be told, I'm over it. At first it made me laugh, then it pissed me off, and now it's just a social experiment. We're keeping count. I'm going to sit here and think of how many people we've told and maybe poll the grandmas to see if they have any instances of it so I can come up with a accurate percentage. Yeah, I'm an engineer. I can't help myself.