14 January 2011

There's Really a Baby in There!

We had our 12-week ultrasound today. It went well. All the measurements came back normal and the baby appeared to have all its parts. It was bumping around in there pretty good. I think it was just pissed that the technician was pressing on its house. It has a grumpy attitude like Mama already! I'm so proud!

We got the DVD which was about 20 minutes long. Here are a few of the highlights.

In this clip, the technician measures "head to rump." You can see on the right side that it's only 5.63cm long. That's only 2.2 inches!

This one is zoomed in on the head and chest. I think it looks like David. Ha!

In this one, it keeps jumping around. We had to wait for a few minutes for it to chill out so she could get the measurements she needed. In the chest area, there's a little section that's sort of moving blur. That's the heart!

The color in this one represents blood flow. The big red spot in the middle is its heart. Not super exciting, but the flashing of the blood flow is the heartbeat. We got to hear it, but the video didn't come with sound.

The last one is a cross section of baby from head to butt. It starts out at the head and then when it gets down to the chest you can see the arms. It does some karate chopping and then claps! Then the cross section goes down further and you can see the butt and legs.

David's been carefully reviewing the video and has come up with the completely non-medical opinion that it's a girl. I just wanted to get that one on the record.

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