18 August 2011

3 Weeks

Evan was three weeks old yesterday. He's had a lot of time out and about in his short lifetime.

We went to our work picnic when he was about a week and a half.  He got to meet lots of our work friends and some work acquaintances that just can't stay away from a baby. Luckily, most people weren't very touchy. I'm thinking it helps that we work with mostly men and mostly engineers.

The picnic was Hawaii themed so we couldn't resist getting a little festive. It was, after all, about as close as we're going to get to Hawaii for several years. And, one of the very few outfits that fits Evan has surfboards on it. We decided to commemorate the moment with a photo in the backyard when we got home. And now that I'm looking at that picture, I'm realizing why we don't wear our Hawaii themed clothes very often. Yikes!

Last week we made a trip to Cox Arboretum, which is one of my favorite places to wander around with the camera. He snoozed the whole time and I had a great time snapping pictures. It was a very successful first outing for the two of us.

This one escaped the Butterfly House.

He's also made trips to Meijer and the mall... which I didn't take pictures of. Come on, I'm not that crazy.

Last Sunday, he started what was apparently was a growth spurt. I prefer to call it A Special Kind of Hell for Momma. He was so cranky, not sleeping and eating constantly. It lasted three days but then he was back to normal.  He weighed in at 9lb, 6oz on Monday. He's probably about 20lbs today.

Buddha Baby

We've just started putting Evan in a bath rather than giving him a sponge bath. He's not a fan. I think it's because the little tub we have can only have a few inches of water in it. So, his butt is in the warm water, but that's about it which means the rest of him is cold. And babies don't like being cold.

Bathing by the dish soap...and that's a bag of flour by David's hand...
and there are probably dirty dishes in the sink under the tub.
We're classy.
After the bath, David holds his head (Evan's, not David's) over the sink while I use the sprayer to wet his hair. The warm water flowing over his head is the best thing in Evan's world. He closes his eyes and opens his mouth like he's saying, "Aaaaaaah" and enjoys the moment. I love that he loves it.

And then we put him in a sleeper for the night which is just about the cutest thing ever.

Snuggle Bug

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