11 August 2011

Going Home

Throughout pregnancy, people told me over and over again,
"Don't get many newborn clothes. Most babies are bigger than that at birth."

"You probably won't even need newborn diapers."
And then there were the comments about how ginormous our baby must be (based solely on the size of my stomach-- thanks, people.) And the fact that we're not small people so there was a decent chance that we would actually have a big kid. So, we didn't buy a single newborn outfit. I got about 5 hand-me-down outfits and that's it.

The going home outfits that I bought for Evan were 0-3 months. He was, after all, 0 months old. When we were released from the hospital, I couldn't wait to put his brown puppy dog polo on him... so he could go home and meet his brown puppy dog, Laika. I started with the brown shorts. They were so big. Like, we could probably have fit two Evans in those shorts. They were longer than his legs. I was laughing so hard I was crying, I couldn't breathe, I was afraid I was going to pee my pants or tear out my stitches. It was good to laugh so hard after the stressful night. My gigantic baby was, in fact, so tiny. I finally settled on the striped t-shirt onesie, which was still so big but at least stayed on his little body.

We got home to find out that he was even too small for all his newborn outfits. Still, two weeks later, the only things that really fit are Gerber plain 0-3 month onesies and two outfits that I bought a couple days ago that are newborn size but are noticeably smaller than all the other newborn stuff.

First Car Ride


Grandma Janet and Grandpa Mike were here when Evan came home. They decorated the house for his arrival and did some yard work for him. Oh wait, the yard work was for us-- thanks, guys. They didn't get to stay long, but we hope to see them again soon.

Proud Grandparents

Just for giggles, I thought this was funny. This must be Grandma Janet's signature baby photo. I can just imagine what she's thinking... "I'll just stand here and gaze lovingly at this baby until someone with a camera realizes how adorable we are..." Way to go, Mom!

2011: Grandma and Evan

2009: Grandma and Michaela

Grandma Barbi and Grandpa Ed visited to meet Evan the weekend after we came home. And Grandma Barbi got to come back a week later.

Proud Grandma (Ed must've lucked out of the photo shoot)

Our First Night

During our first night, we had a sitcom moment. It was about midnight and I was doing a diaper change. It ended up being a huge poo-splosion, then he peed on me, then he projectile vomited off the side of the changing pad, then I realized that his belly button was bleeding. Needless to say, I started to freak out. I yelled for David's help getting everything cleaned up. It was at this moment that we realized that we had gone through the first package of (newborn) diapers that the hospital sent us home with...and the second package wasn't newborn size. And, of all the diapers that I got at my showers-- not a single newborn diaper. And for our tiny baby, we needed newborn diapers.

I was crying. Evan was crying. There was poop, pee, puke and blood everywhere. I stood over him on the changing table, holding his diaper closed and trying to comfort him and myself while David ran to the grocery store at midnight for some diapers. Could we be more stereotypical?

Stereotypical New Parents (look how big that onesie is!)

I think we have things figured out a little better now. Kinda. Well, at least I don't cry over poo-splosions anymore. Except when they happen with the diaper off...when I'm holding him up by his ankles with his butt aimed directly at me...and he shoots me and the wall with it. Oh wait, that was laughing so hard I was crying.

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