28 February 2012

Month 7

Dear Evan,

Buddy, I can barely even remember your seventh month. Time is going by so fast! You're becoming such a big boy.

You're an awesome eater. You gobble up all your fruits and veggies and cereal and, of course, milk. We've started giving you some other things-- a little mushed up pot roast, some dissolvable puffs, mandarin oranges, eggs. You're still a little squicked out by the new textures but you're starting to get the hang of them. The three of us sit at the table and eat dinner together every night. Your dad and I enjoy just watching to see what faces you make or what sounds come out of your mouth. I enjoy our time together and have no desire to return to the coffee table dinners of the past. Although, we could use more comfortable kitchen chairs.

You're rolling like a champ but still no crawling. That doesn't mean you're not trying because, hoo boy!, are you trying. Getting your belly off the ground is proving to be pretty tough though. It's okay, I'm in no hurry for you to be mobile. Your dad and I are such procrastinators that the day you do learn to crawl, it's going to be a mad dash to baby proof the house.

You got two teeth this month! The two middle teeth on the bottom. (This is apparently the natural order of things and baby teeth always arrive in a predictable order. Who knew?) And, as I'm typing this you're working on tooth #3. I really wish that sucker would just break through already! You're perfectly pleasant during the day when you're distracted but when nighttime rolls around and you're winding down and have a minute to think about, you quickly remember, "Holy Crap! My mouth HUUUUURTS!!"

My favorite development of the month is your babbling and laughing. You've been saying "dadada" like crazy, but I won't let your dad claim first word because you don't actually assign it to him. Just recently, you've started saying "mmmommm", but again, it's pretty random. And the laughing. I mean, really laughing. It's so great. Nothing makes me happier than hearing your belly laughs.

You became a super sitter this month and we no longer have to put pillows behind you when you're sitting. I admit, it still makes me a bit nervous to see you sitting in the middle of the living room floor. Yes, there's carpet but I worry about your noggin. And, it's so stinkin' cute when we show up to daycare and you and your gf are sitting on the mat sharing a toy. Well, usually she's trying to steal it from you but we're trying to teach you to stand up for yourself.

I'm too lazy and behind to make a photo slide show this month, but there are a few pics and videos below.

I love you, Buddy.


Always so happy!
This is the one I'll show your future wife. 
Evan Loves Sophie <3
Big boy rides in the grocery cart now! 
Your first bike ride. 
Eyes closed because it's sunny? No, eyes closed because you passed
out within seconds after starting the bike ride. 

Love this: 

Mac n cheese... is your favorite? ...makes you angry?

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