16 February 2012

This and That

I've said a million times how crazy daycare is. And, you've seen Evan dressed up as the newest member of the Blue Man Group to prove it. Here's a little more.

Ms. Betty made headdresses (if this qualifies) for Evan and Violet and built a tee pee where they all played Indians.

And then the dress up continued.

Perhaps we instigated this by sending him in his Super Evan shirt this morning.


Me: "What are we going to do about his hair? It keeps getting longer, but it's still standing straight up!" (I'm not actually concerned, I just keep imaging Evan with really long hair and it still standing on end like he's some sort of frightened Scooby Doo character.)

David: "We're not doing anything. It's his best feature."

Well, okay then.

And then there's this:

And this:

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