28 March 2012

8 Months

Dear Evan,

You turned eight months old yesterday. Un-stinking-believable.

As with every month since you started daycare, you spent most of this month sick. It's really getting old for all of us, Buddy. This month, the doctor gave us a nebulizer so we could give you breathing treatments at home, morning and night. You did not like the nebulizer but you eventually accepted it. It was during nebulizing that we learned something funny about you. We (and by "we", I mean Dad because he was the nebulizing king!) always ended up giving you your treatment around 7:30. We're also in the habit of watching Family Fued at 7:30. We noticed that you'd get fussy during the commercials but calm down when the show came back on. Buddy, you love Steve Harvey. We ended up playing the Family Fued YouTube Channel on the TV for you every time you needed a breathing treatment. Whatever works, right?

"Aw, Steve. You so funny!" 
You have become so mobile this month. You're not crawling yet, but you've gotten quite directional in your rolling. You're pretty good at getting up on your hands and knees, sometimes hands and feet, but you haven't quite figured how to start moving. It should be any day now.

Motion Shot
Like spread legs push ups

You now have five teeth with one more on the way. Thanks to your cold(s) and teething, we've all been pretty low on sleep lately. We've tried pain medications, icy chew toys, numbing gels, you name it. The only thing that seems to make you happy when you're uncomfortable in the middle of the night is Mommy. It sucks for me, but I kinda don't blame you. I'm pretty awesome.

We're still having a good time introducing new foods. You're eating more and more table foods lately. I love to watch you enjoy a new food...or the faces you make when you don't enjoy it. We've been attempting the dissolvable puffs with you for quite a while. You do not like them at all. I was telling a friend about this and she suggested just plain Cheerios instead. My response was, "Yeah, maybe. We'll give it a try." But what I was thinking was, "That's the most idiotic suggestion ever! The puffs are sweet and taste like apples and bananas! If he doesn't like those, there's no way he likes Cheerios!" As it turns out, occasionally the other mommies know a thing or two.

Deliciously sweet, dissolvable puffs

Cheerios make you cheery! 

Celery: delicious and good for teething
You're chattering away pretty much anytime you're awake. "Mamama... Dadada..." You smile at us like you know that those words have something to do with us. Yet, you can't quite figure out what that something is. Also, your dad thinks I'm a crazy, but I swear you've said "Laika" twice, possibly more.

First, you were in your exersaucer while I was trying to get Laika to behave. I was saying, "Laika, no! Laika, get in your bed! Laika, lay down!", and then from across the room, clear as day, you said "Laika!" Of course, I was the only witness so your dad doesn't believe it.

And then, you were rolling around in the living room while Laika was sitting in the kitchen. You, very obviously, looked into the kitchen and said her name. Your dad won't agree, but I'm going on the record that your first word (that you actually assigned to something) was Laika.

Hugs (next was tastes- blah)

A favorite pastime for the two of you

You're growing so big and learning so many new things every single day. It's so easy for me to get caught up in what a big boy you're becoming:

I sometimes have to remind myself that you're still a baby: 

I love you, Buddy.


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