10 March 2012

And this is why I showered on the back porch at 7 months pregnant

I can't even guess how many times I said, "I will not bath my kid in this skanky pink bathtub!"

So, in the months leading up to Evan's birth, we remodeled the bathroom. I didn't want anything extravagant. We don't have an extravagant bathroom kind of house. I love our bathroom now. It's simple and it doesn't have 50 years worth of other people's grime between the cracks anymore.

During the remodel, which I don't think I ever actually wrote about on here, I got so desperate for something resembling a real shower that I took buckets of warm water out on the back porch on a moonless night and "showered" in a bikini. The tub was the first thing to go back in so I also took a bath with no drywall on the walls, and just a piece of plywood on the floor.

Tonight, though, it was all worth it. Evan took his first big boy bath in the bathtub. He's been really filling up the baby bath lately and it since he can sit pretty reliably, I figured it was time. He had so. much. fun. Splish, splash, splish, splash. He yelled and splashed and laughed.

I can't wait for bath time tomorrow.

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