28 August 2012

13 Months

It was my plan to stop the monthly letters to Evan at one year. However, I must continue to document so I can use my blog as a reference when I scrapbook. You see, when there's a 13 month old or 12 month old...or 11 month old... or 10 month old... or, you get the idea... in the house, it's hard to find the time and energy to scrapbook the precious memories of said 13 month old. I'm currently on month 2-4-- 2 is completed; 3 and 4 are completed templates but with no pictures or writing. Did I mention he's 13 months old? This whole scrapbooking thing may never actually happen.

So, what's up in Month 13?

Walking, walking, walking. He still plops down on his butt or launches himself forward (rug burn to the forehead, anyone?) occasionally, but for the most part, he's up and going. He's working on some tricks like u-turns and backward walking. He makes regular attempts at running, which is usually what results in the rug burned forehead.

He still only says a few recognizable words-- mama, dada and ball. He's regressed and little and no longer says Laika. However, he chatters constantly. Blah, blah, blah. He's saying something, we just don't know his language.

He started pointing this month. It started with the rocket and spaceship over his changing table. He'd point at one and I'd say in a very dramatic voice, "ROCKET!" and then he'd point at the other, "SPACESHIP!" It wasn't long before he started pointing at everything. "WINDOW!" "FAN!" One morning, I left him sitting in his high chair while his waffles were toasting (yes, waffles... he eats two blueberry waffles each Saturday/Sunday morning). When I came back into the room, the toaster had popped up and he was whining loudly and pointing at it. It was quite a "Leggo my Eggo!" moment.

During this month, he official got two bottom molars. The two top canines are about to slice through at any moment and one top molar is chewing it's way out of his gums. Teething is seriously gnarly. Ick. I want to check the progress, but I can barely stand to look in his mouth. All this teething has made him a super awesome kid. Not. Let's just say, his misery loves company.

He's doing much better in daycare these days. He doesn't cry when we leave anymore. He also doesn't have an emotional breakdown when we arrive each afternoon. Less crying = good. He's adjusting to the other kids. Ms. Dana says he loves outside time and throws a fit (no! not my precious baby!) when they have to go back inside. He's also become a huge fan of story time. She says when they sing the story time song (I have no idea what that means), he drops whatever he's doing and crawls/walks as quickly as he can to the story circle with no regard for whatever toy or kid is in his way. That's my boy. Do not mess with his story time. All you punks leisurely making your way to the story circle need to recognize!

When you try to get artsy by laying on the ground for pictures,
you become a jungle gym. 

"Ok, back to the blanket." 

This is my FAVORITE.
Not a wonderful picture but classic Evan. 

Oh, these two... 

Bed Head

Here he comes! 

And there he goes! Bubye! 

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