16 February 2011

It's a Boy!

I debated whether or not to tell the circumstances behind us finding out gender so early on. But then I figured, anyone who would read this blog already knows the story and I don't care about anyone else so here it is.

I woke up on the iciest of ice storm days a few weeks ago to feed Laika and then head back to bed because work was closed. I stopped at the bathroom on the way back to bed and found blood. Scary blood. If there's one thing I know about pregnancy, it's that blood is not good (though, it can be perfectly normal) and that I needed to call the doctor immediately.

I woke David up and he could obviously hear the fear in my voice because he jumped out of bed like he's never done before. He may have thought the house was on fire or our cars had been stolen from the garage.

The receptionist was apparently the only person brave enough to go out in the ice storm so there was no one at my doctor's office to talk to. She took my number and said the doctor on call would call me back. Waiting on that call was the longest 30 minutes of my life. I got in the shower, thinking we were going to have to brave the ice and head to the doctor's or the hospital. Of course, the phone rang as soon as I got in.

After asking a few questions, the nurse that called me back was totally unconcerned and just told me to call back if it continued, got worse, changed, etc. That was not very comforting but if she wasn't concerned, I decided that I shouldn't be either. David, of course, researched all the things that could have caused it and had his list of suspicions.

Less than a week later, I had a regular appointment. I told the lady who took me back (is she a nurse?) about the happenings of the previous week. Immediately, she says that we need to move to the other room because the doctor will want to check things out. She said it so urgently, I started to get quite frightened.

He indeed "checked me out." He did an ultrasound and saw a few things of interest. He was concerned so he sent me to the place that specializes in ultrasounds (I know there's a name for that place, I just don't know what it is) to confirm. They confirmed his findings-- a low lying placenta. The doctor at the ultrasound place was not concerned at all. He spoke to us like, "um...why are you even here?" but assured us that it's rather common and is highly likely to fix itself. I'm glad my doctor was so cautious.

The ultrasound tech also confirmed my doctor's other finding-- a penis!


  1. TEAM PENIS! Should I have a tshirt made for you or would that be too much?

  2. Have one made for David too. I'm sure he'd love wearing it. Hahaha!
