25 September 2011

6 Hours

Evan slept for six hours in a row last night. That was after going five hours in a row. Eleven hours, two feedings.

We wanted to get him all settled in before the football game last night so he was fed, bathed and snuggled all before 8:00. He fell asleep on David sometime between 8:30 and 9:00. The game went off and we were amazed that he was still asleep.

He woke up and ate at 12:30 and was back asleep by 12:45. When I woke up at 5:05, I bolted from bed in a panic to make sure he was ok. When I woke up to him squirreling (making the squirrel noise, not the traditional definition) at 6:45, I almost cracked open a bottle of bubbly to celebrate his accomplishment. When I woke David up to help and told him it had been six hours, he was confused, disoriented.

Yep, that's what our life has become. More than three straight hours of sleep and we're panicked, confused and disoriented.

But now we know his secret. He can sleep for six hours straight, he just doesn't typically want to.

And because no one wants to read a baby blog without pictures of the baby...
Evan's favotire sleeping pose: Touchdown!

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