05 September 2011

Back to Work

I started back to work (part time) on Friday, August 26. I intentionally chose a Friday because I knew I'd get nothing done. I wasn't worried about sitting around longing to be at home with Evan. No, I chose a Friday because I knew it would be impossible to keep my coworkers from pestering me for stories and pictures all day long. Fridays always seem more laid back so it seemed somewhat more acceptable to accomplish nothing.

Evan stayed home with David. We're both part timing for four weeks so one of us is always home with Evan. This will at least keep him out of daycare for a little longer. Knowing that Evan was with David gave me the peace of mind to focus on work and not worry about my boys.

Although, this is what David accomplished on my first day back to work (and texted to me midday): 

Laika is way more disturbed by this than Lars.

And, this is what he posted on Facebook during my second day back:

I'm glad to know that Evan is in good hands. He also made a pound cake, so I suppose I can forgive him.

People apparently can't resist asking questions like, "Are you in baby withdrawal?" and "Do you miss him?" Well, of course I missed him but I'm not going to lie, it was nice to be away for 8 solid hours. After four straight weeks on full time baby duty, I was glad to get some adult interaction. Evan is awesome, but he's also pretty demanding.

Plus, I like my job and my coworkers. It was nice to get back into work and to chat with everyone. And to feel like I'm contributing. You know, being a productive member of society rather than raising a productive member of society. Not that raising a productive member of society isn't being a productive member of society...er, whatever... the point is that I'm not cut out to be a stay-at-home mom. No way, no how. I could not do it. We'll never have to figure out how to live on one salary. That's for sure!

My first few days went well (it's only been three so far.) I was so happy to be doing something different on Friday that I was full of energy. Well, that and being able to make my usual run through Tim Horton's for a coffee. And, even though I didn't want to be bothered, I was having a good time showing off Evan pictures. Monday was far less energetic. By the time 2pm rolled around I was dragging big time. Thursday was somewhere in between.

We have a New Mom Room at work for pumping. It's sort of creepy. Well, not really, it's just an old copy room with a small fridge for milk storage, small table/desk (technically it's an old school printer stand with the slot in the back for the paper feed from the shelf below), a black desk chair with, get this, milk stains on it (eeeeeew!), and creepy pictures of the other moms' babies taped to the walls. Figuring out a pumping schedule for myself that works with the other new moms is going to be a challenge. Due to the nature of my job, I can't commit to certain times every day. I also need to learn how to walk out of meetings or whatever is necessary to make sure I get in there when I need to. Work life just got a little more complicated.

I can tell one thing already though. Once we're both back at work, scheduling/routine is going to be very important and so difficult. We're not the type to accomplish much before 9am. Getting both of us up and to work as well as getting Evan up, ready and dropped off at daycare is going to be quite a task. I think preparing the night before is going to be key. Now I know why my mom always wanted us to set out our clothes the night before.

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