16 May 2012

Back in the Groove

We haven't really changed our lives that much since having Evan. That's not because we're the type that refuses to change their lives for a kid. It's because we led incredibly boring lives to begin with. Some things have fallen by the wayside though. And lately, I can feel it all getting back to normal. And it makes me happy.

My garden last year was total suckage. I had good intentions, but in April, I could not predict how much I would not want to be weeding and fighting the heat when I was 17 months pregnant in July. And how could I have known that I'd want to sleep instead of harvesting tomatoes and cukes in August and September when my bundle of joy was keeping me up all night? My veggies hung on their plants and died. Oh, the starving children in Africa while I was letting perfectly good vegetables go to waste in my backyard!

A couple weekends ago, Evan and I hit up Lowes and I got the plants for my garden this year. I got all the usual stuff and I can't wait to pick it and share with Evan this year. And maybe, just maybe, I can get 1 year old Evan to do some cherry tomato harvesting for me. Maybe.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love cycling. However, I haven't been on a bike in so. long. Being pregnant and having an infant has made me the Queen of Lazy over the past year and a half. Last weekend, David and I got on our road bikes, with Evan's trailer hooked onto David's bike. We only went about 8 miles, but it was so good to be back on the bike. We stopped at a park for some mid-ride swinging.

Geared up with Cheerios for the long ride

Just a swingin' 


And on Saturday, we have a babysitter so we can play a round of par 3 golf. It'll be good times for me and David but I'm thinking that's not one that we'll be taking Evan along for for quite a while.

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