13 May 2012

My First Mother's Day

It was a great day. David went way overboard.

After a few minutes of snuggling and kissing (that's his new thing) with Evan, David took him away while I slept in. I didn't really sleep in, but I did lay in bed and watch HGTV all by myself. The two of them joined me later for breakfast in bed-- (made from scratch) pancakes and sausage and a big ol' Spongebob mug of coffee.

Then he brought in flowers and cards from each of them. And then, gifts. Did I mention that he went overboard? They got me some scrapbooking stuff. David has an incredible knack for getting me awesome things that I don't think to ask for. Now if he can just get me the space and time for the scrapbooking that I want to do. That's much trickier.

The rest of the day was pretty leisurely-- got some house cleaning done while David occupied Evan, went to the grocery store alone, napped for a few, Evan FaceTimed with both grandmas and we had our usual Sunday dinner-- Evan's favorite, spaghetti.

My first Mother's Day gift from Evan

Breakfast in Bed
(those are David's hairy arms and legs, not mine!)

Mother's Day flowers from David and Evan

Remarkably similar flowers from Mom and Mike

1 comment:

  1. The flowers are a bit spooky. Thanks, Evan for taking time to FaceTime with me!
