05 May 2012

Evan's First Disease

Thirteen days after potentially being exposed to chicken pox on the plane to Germany, Evan came home from daycare with a fever. I. was. livid. David stayed home with him the next day because his fever was still high. Around noon, I got a text from David that Evan had a rash and he was taking him to the doctor.

The good news: not chicken pox.
The bad news: hand, foot and mouth disease. What the...?!

It's a very contagious (and very common in young kids) viral disease that can live on surfaces for several days. For right now, it causes small bumps on hands, arms, legs, butt, face and worse of all, inside his mouth. We can't see, but she said they also get in the back of the throat and cause a really sore throat. It's pretty obvious that that is the case right now. Miserable baby.

What a wonderful welcome back present from daycare, eh?

There's no cure, just time. We've been instructed to just keep him comfortable, which means ibuprofen and keeping him cool. So, it's a chillin' in diapers, swimmin' in the bathtub, hangin' around the house kinda weekend here in the Schwartz house.

"Do you really need to take a
picture of me eating this goldfish?"

Cooling off

Luckily, it's not all sadness. Just extreme moodiness. One minute, very, very unhappy baby. And the next, this:

1 comment:

  1. That video is one you start laughing at and can't stop! And his cheeks are so red in the bathtub shot. Poor baby.
